- Maximum thickness of enamel in deciduous dentition in molar
cusps… - Volume of water in enamel
- Water in enamel is in form of
- Prism patterns in human enamel
- Basic unit of enamel
- Organic material are often accommodated along enamel prism
boundary because of - The predominant pattern of arrangement of enamel rods in
human is - Key hole pattern or type III pattern is made by
- Small ameloblasts produce
- Enamel between prisms are called
- Why does interprismatic enamel have different optical
property? - The angle at which interprismatic crystallites cross prisms
is - Stacks of ______enamel prisms follows are unidirectional
after which they follow different direction - Transversely sectioned zones in Hunter-Schereger bands are
- Longitudinally sectioned zones in Hunter-Schereger bands are
- The average width of Hunter-Schereger bands are
- The angle between diazones and parazones of enamel is about
- Where will be Hunter -Schreger bands absent?
- Width of non-prismatic enamel in a newly erupted tooth
- Why is the outer most layer of enamel highly mineralized?