  1. Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis- 10 mks
  2. Define and classify Osteomyelitis. Discuss in detail
    non- suppurative OM-10 mks
  3. Discuss periapical inflammation with emphasis on
    pathogenesis and pathology- 25 mks
  4. Discuss regressive changes in pulp-10 mks
  5. Describe the histology of dental pulp-10 mks Describe in
    detail the sequence of events from pulpitis to cellulitis- -20 mks
  6. Discuss periapical 
    inflammation with emphasis on pathogenesis and pathology-25mks
  7. Describe the sequelae of pulpal infection-10 mks
  8. Describe in detail pulp in health and disease-20 mks 
  9. Osteomyelitis-10 mks 
  10. Sequelae of DC-10 mks 
  11. Periapical granuloma-10 mks 
  12. Pulp stones-10 mks 
  13. Discuss the common clinical feature specific
    osteomyelitic lesions- others
  14. Give an account of the pyogenic organisms and describe
    the pathology and clinical features of Osteomyelitis- others
  15. Discuss the biological response of pulp tissue to
    operative procedures and various restorative methods- others
  16. Discuss periapical inflammation with emphasis on
    pathogenesis and pathology- others
  17. Describe the mechanism of oral infections-  
  18. Describe Osteomyelitis-    
  19. Give the Etiopathogenesis of an abscess-    
  20. Different types of OM of the jaw- July 1991
  21. Ludwig’s angina- coll
  22. Cavernous sinus thrombosis- coll
  1. Regressive alterations in teeth- 10 mks
  2. Discuss etiology, histopathology and clinical features
    of resorption of permanent teeth- others
  1. Classify SG tumours and discuss in detail MEC-10 mks
  2. Discuss the papillary cyst adenoma lymphatosum-10 mks
  3. Discuss malignant salivary gland tumours- 20 mks
  4. Discuss salivary cystic lesions-10 mks
  5. Discuss recent concepts in WHO classification of
    salivary gland tumours-10 mks
  6. Discuss SG tumours with special reference to
    histogenesis and H/P 25 mks
  7. Classify SG tumours and enumerate the diagnostic work-up
    for the same- 20 mks coll
  8. Discuss in detail non- neoplastic SG disorders-20 mks
  9. Clear cell change in SG tumours- 10 mks coll
  10. Pathogenesis of Warthins-10 mks coll
  11. Histogenesis of SG tumours- 10 mks coll
  12. Histogenesis of PA-10 mks
  13. Discuss pathogenesis of PA-10 mks
  14. Autoimmune diseases of the salivary gland-10 mks
  15. MEC-10 mks
  16. Canalicular adenoma-10 mks
  17. Salivary flow aberrations-10 mks
  18. Describe malignant tumours of minor salivary glands with
    recent emphasis- 20 mks coll
  19. Discuss in detail clear cell salivary gland tumours- 20
    mks coll
  20. Recent concepts in classification systems in SG
    pathology- 10 mks-coll
  21. Role of ME cell in different SG lesions- 10 mks-coll
  22. Special stains for SG neoplasms-10 mks coll
  23. Non- neoplastic lesions of SG- 10 mks coll
  24. Discuss lymphoepithelial lesions of the salivary glands-
  25. Discuss the benign tumours of salivary gland origin-
  26. Discuss histogenesis and H/P of pleomorphic adenoma-
  27. H/P and behavior 
    of MEC-    
  28. Discuss xerostomia-    
  29. Non- neoplastic lesions of the SG- Oct 1989
  30. Malignant mixed tumour- RGUHS 06-10 mks
  31. Benign lymphoepithelial lesion- coll
  32. Recent concepts in the classification of SG tumours by
    WHO- coll
  33. Clear cell change in salivary gland tumours- coll
  34. Salivary gland tumors with recent concepts- coll
  1. Focus of infection-10 mks
  2. Ludwig’s angina and its management- 10 mks rguhs
1.      TMJ
disorders- 10 mks ,20 mks
2.      DD  of pain in TMJ- others
3.      Describe
the chronic inflammatory  and regressive
lesions of the TMJ-    

  1. Odontogenic tumours- 100 mks(MU)
  2. Discuss odontogenic tumours of mesenchymal origin-25 mks
    ( MU)
  3. Define ameloblastoma. Describe the clinical features and
    HP of Adenoameloblastoma-10 mks
  4. Discuss lesions of the jaw that contain dentin like
    material-10 mks
  5. Discuss ameloblastic fibro- odontoma-10 mks
  6. Discuss Pindborg’s tumour- 10 mks
  7. Classify odontogenic tumours with a note on recent
    concepts in WHO classification. Discuss in detail ameloblastoma-20 mks  (RGHUS- only the classification)
  8. OKC as a cyst and a benign neoplasm- 10 mks
  9. Ghost cell containing lesions-10 mks
  10. CEOT- 10 mks 
  11. Current concepts in odontogenic fibroma-10 mks 
  12. Discuss cemental lesions-10 mks
  13. Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma-10 mks
  14. Classify odontogenic tumours and discuss in detail the
    hamartomatous odontogenic. Tumours-20 mks
  15.  Ameloblastoma-100
    mks  10 mks
  16. Benign and malignant tumors of odontogenic origin- 100
  17. Classify odontogenic tumours. Discuss in detail CEOT and
    its histological variants-20 mks
  18. Histopathological 
    variants of ameloblastoma-10 mks
  19. Pathogenesis and pathology of odontogenic tumours and
    dens in dente- others
  20. Discuss squamous odontogenic tumours- others
  21. Classify and discuss the benign tumours of odontogenic
    origin- others
  22. Histogenesis and H/P of AOT and CEOT
  23. Discuss the neoplastic lesions of jaw bones of CT
    origin- others
  24. Discuss cemental lesions- others
  25. Discuss histogenesis and histopathology of AOT and CEOT-
  26. Discuss epithelial neoplasm of odontogenic origin-
  27. Describe the pathogenesis of hard odontogenic neoplasms
    and dens- in dente-    
  28. Describe chondrosarcoma of the jaws-    
  29. Recent concepts of CEOT- GU
  30. Odontogenic tumours of mesoderm origin-    
  31. Ameloblastoma- RGUHS 06-10 mks
  32. Describe the different types of epithelia of the oral
    cavity and the significance in the development of different cysts and tumours
    of the oral cavity-1996
  33. Recent concepts in the WHO classification of odontogenic
    tumours- coll
  34. Discuss epithelial and mesenchymal interactions in odontogenic
    tumours. Add a note in lesions of jaws that contain dentin like material-
  35. SOT- coll
  36. Malignant am and Am carcinoma- coll
  37. Current concepts in odontogenic fibroma- coll
  38. Discuss in detail mixed odontogenic tumours- coll
  39. Discuss unicystic ameloblastoma- coll
  40. Recent concepts in COC- coll


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