Tooth morphology
1.    Describe
morphology of permanent maxillary right first molar
2.    Cingulum
3.    Marginal
4.    Developmental
5.    Point
6.    Occlusion
7.    Describe
the morphology of lower left first premolar
8.    Define
and describe cusp, contact point, contact area, mammelon, transverse ridge
9.    Enumerate
the class traits of premolar. Give difference between  maxillary first and second premolar in
tabular form
10. Embrassure
11. Describe
morphology of permanent maxillary canine
12. Inclined
13. Curve
of spee and curve of Monsoon
14. Describe
the morphology of lower left first premolar. Difference between lower first
premolar and lower second premolar with diagrams
15. Describe
morphology of upper first premolar with diagrams
16. Chronology
of deciduous teeth
17. Describe
morphology of lower second premolar with diagrams
18. Describe
morphological feature of deciduous maxillary second molar with diagrams
19. Functions
of teeth
20. Roots
of anterior teeth
21. Difference
between deciduous maxillary molar and permanent maxillary molar
22. Describe
morphology of maxillary first premolar. Difference between maxillary and
mandibular first premolar
23. Arch
traits of maxillary canine
24. Functions
of deciduous teeth
25. Compare
permanent and deciduous maxillary canine
26. Tooth
numbering systems
27. Describe
triade of molar. Explain morphology of lower first molar
28. Primate
29. Key
of occlusion
30. Describe
occulsal surface of lower first premolar
31. Calcification
32. Leeway
33. Ridge
34. Arch
traits of maxillary incisors
35. Occulsal
surface of lower II premolar
36. Sequence
of eruption of deciduous and permanent dentition
37. Importance
of chronology of teeth
38. Tabulate
eruption time and root completion of all deciduous and permanent teeth
39. Tubercle
of Carabelli
40. Spillway
41. Describe
the morphology of maxillary permanent first molar with relevant diagram
42. Describe
the morphology of mandibular permanent second premolar with relevant diagram
43. Described
the morphology of maxillary permanent second molar with relevant diagrams
44. Enumerate
the morphological differences between deciduous and permanent teeth. Discuss
the occlusal aspect of mandibular second premolar
45. Write
in detail about the morphology of right permanent maxillary first molar tooth
46. Describe
in detail about the morphology of permanent maxillary canine
47. Fossa
48. Describe
morphology of permanent maxillary right second molar
49. Chronolgy
of permanent teeth
50. Occlusion
– salient features
51. Occlusal
surface of mandibular first premolar
52. Occlusal
surface of maxillary permanent first molar
53. Occlusal
surface of mandibular first molar
54. Discuss
in detail about the chronology and morphology of permanent mandibular right
55. Describe
the morphology of permanent maxillary first molar. Write the difference between
deciduous and permanent maxillary molar.
56. Write
an essay on morphology of mandibular first molar tooth
57. Ridges
58. Compensatory
59. Difference
between maxillary 1st premolar and mandibular 1st premolar
60. Chronology
of permanent dentition
1.    What
are the muscles of mastication? Describe their function
2.    Stages
in deglutition
3.    Nerve
supply of tongue
4.    Development
of tongue
5.    Mention
the branches of trigeminal nerve. Write in detail about mandibular nerve
6.    Anatomy
of Parotid gland
7.    What
is pain? Explain pain pathway and trace it from maxillary first molar
8.    Extracranial
course of facial nerve
9.    Otic
10. Blood
supply to face
11. Swallowing
and deglutition
12. Muscles
of tongue
13. Inferior
Alveolar nerve
14. Write
development, anatomy, histology and movements of TMJ
15. Cushion
Hammock ligament
16. Papillae
of tongue
17. Von
Ebner Glands
18. Functions
of calcium
19. Calcium
20. Tetany
21. Effects
of hormones on oral tissue
22. Vitamin
C and oral tissue
23. Write
in detail the origin, course and distribution of the principal sensory nerve of
the oral cavity
24. Write
in detail about the course and relations of maxillary nerve
25. Nerve
supply to mandibular teeth
26. Temporlis
27. Facial
28. Overjet
and over bite
29. Medial
pterygoid muscle
30. Paratharmone
31. Trigeminal
32. Deglutition
33. Waldeyer’s
34. Nerve
supply to maxillary posterior teeth
35. Lingual
36. First
part of maxillary artery
37. Oblique
muscles of eyeball
38. Structure
of palatine tonsils
39. Inferior
constrictor of pharynx
40. Carpos
41. Alveolar
42. Course
and relation of maxillary nerve

43. Calcium


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