The characteristic developmental depression of permanent maxillary
first premolar is in the |
Mesial surface of crown & root
The permanent maxillary first premolar root is
Bifurcated for half its length
Occlusal aspect of permanent maxillary first premolar is
The number of cusp ridge, developmental groove, triangular fossa and
marginal ridge in permanent maxillary first premolar is |
4, 4, 2, 2
In the permanent maxillary dentition, as compared to the second
premolar, the size of first premolar is |
Larger than second premolar. But in mandible, second premolar is the
largest |
In the permanent mandibular premolars the mesial cuspal ridge is
Shorter than distal cusp ridge
The characteristic developmental depression of permanent mandibular
first premolar is |
Mesiolingual developmental groove
The number of cusps in permanent mandibular first premolar is
Two or three. The Y form has 3 cusps while the U and H form have 2 cusps
In the permanent maxillary molars the roots that is largest is
Palatal. The distobuccal roots are the smallest
The teeth that are commonly referred as the cornerstone of the arches
is |
Permanent first molar. The corner stone mouth is the permanent canine