The muscle involved in
incisor clenching is the
Lateral pterygoid
The deciduous teeth erupt
generally in a
Anterior – posterior
The most common permanent
teeth eruption in maxilla is
The difference between
mesiodistal diameter width between premolars and deciduous molars is referred
Leeway space
Curve of Spee is in a
Saggital plane
In a normal dentition,
teeth are placed __________ degrees to the horizontal plane
Balanced occlusion is given
Thielemann’s formula.
Explanation  Balanced occlusion is (
condylar guidance*incisial guidance)/ ( curve of Spee* cusp height* plane of
Mesiodistal inclination of
the teeth is lowest with
Mandibular canine. The
inclination is 0 degrees and maximum inclination is seen with maxillary
canine and about 17 degrees. Similarly the minimum faciolingual inclination
is about 5 degrees with maxillary first premolar and 28 degrees in maxillary
central incisors.
The total number of
possible occlusal contacts are
The process of swallowing
requires a coordination of at least
20 muscles
The presence of overjet in
molars prevents
Cheek biting
The supporting cusps are
Lingual cusp of maxilla and
buccal cusp of mandible teeth
Multiple working side
contacts are seen as a part of
Group function
The areas of contact that a
supporting cusp makes with opposing teeth is
Centric stop
A phasic jaw-closing reflex
is often evoked by a tap to __________ and denotes _____________.
Chin; pathology. Tonic type
is normal
The muscle involved in
incisor clenching is the
Lateral pterygoid
The deciduous teeth erupt
generally in a
Anterior – posterior


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