The muscle involved in
incisor clenching is the |
Lateral pterygoid
The deciduous teeth erupt
generally in a |
Anterior – posterior
sequence |
The most common permanent
teeth eruption in maxilla is |
The difference between
mesiodistal diameter width between premolars and deciduous molars is referred as |
Leeway space
Curve of Spee is in a
Saggital plane
In a normal dentition,
teeth are placed __________ degrees to the horizontal plane |
Balanced occlusion is given
by |
Thielemann’s formula.
Explanation Balanced occlusion is ( condylar guidance*incisial guidance)/ ( curve of Spee* cusp height* plane of occlusion) |
Mesiodistal inclination of
the teeth is lowest with |
Mandibular canine. The
inclination is 0 degrees and maximum inclination is seen with maxillary canine and about 17 degrees. Similarly the minimum faciolingual inclination is about 5 degrees with maxillary first premolar and 28 degrees in maxillary central incisors. |
The total number of
possible occlusal contacts are |
The process of swallowing
requires a coordination of at least |
20 muscles
The presence of overjet in
molars prevents |
Cheek biting
The supporting cusps are
Lingual cusp of maxilla and
buccal cusp of mandible teeth |
Multiple working side
contacts are seen as a part of |
Group function
The areas of contact that a
supporting cusp makes with opposing teeth is |
Centric stop
A phasic jaw-closing reflex
is often evoked by a tap to __________ and denotes _____________. |
Chin; pathology. Tonic type
is normal |
The muscle involved in
incisor clenching is the |
Lateral pterygoid
The deciduous teeth erupt
generally in a |
Anterior – posterior
sequence |